80 Stories, 80 Days: Born Awesome!

If you believe every kid should be active, be social, and belong – please donate today

This heartwarming story is a part of our 80 Stories, 80 Days campaign. For every story we collect through this campaign, Unique Connect will make a donation directly to our organization, so please submit your story now.

From Jennifer Lopez:

My son will be turning 2 next week and he just happens to have Down syndrome. This means he was born Awesome. He’s just like any two year old. He’s running around and chasing our poor cats everywhere. I turned to Variety to see about getting him an iPad to help develop his speech and work on problem solving. He received it last week. He’s already making more sounds and can navigate through some of his apps by himself. This has made such a huge improvement in just a few short days. I’m so grateful for the donation to help him achieve his milestones. Having a child born with an extra chromosome just means he has extra super powers. With Variety donating his iPad it has helped to make those powers soar!!!

Jennifer’s awesome son communicating
through an iPad and apps from Variety.

Through our 80 Stories, 80 Days campaign, we are asking all of you who have been touched by our organization in any way to share your story and help us gain more support for Kansas City children with developmental disabilities.

Unique Connect will donate directly to us for every story we collect through this campaign, so please submit your story now

Looking for another way to support Variety? Get your tickets for our biggest fundraiser of the year – the 2014 Variety Show starring Sinbad.



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