Proceeds from the tournament will go towards building an inclusive playground at Children’s Mercy Hospital! Great breakfast and lunch buffet for participants and CASH BAR! Silent Auction and Fun Games ALL DAY!
Coed team – $100
Single party ticket – $25 (includes food buffet)
10:00 AM – Registration Opens: Donuts and Coffee available – The Roasterie’s Tuk Tuk will be onsite serving fresh coffee!
10:30 AM – Tournaments Start: Rec and Competitive tournaments will run at the same time now!
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Face Painter and DJ on site, bike presentations will be made to Variety kids, and the silent auction will be open. Raffle tickets will also be sold for some awesome items and we will sell tickets for spectators to participate in a rock/paper/scissors tournament!
11:30 AM – Lunch Buffet available, cash bar open.
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM – Variety Kids will do a demo on the court!
1:00 PM – Silent Auction and Raffle Ticket sales close
1:30 PM – Notification of Auction Winners
2:00 PM – Tournament Ends; Award Ceremony