Meet Leah!

If you believe every kid should be active, be social, and belong – please donate today

Disability: Down Syndrome

Need: Communication Device and apps

Leah has already overcome many obstacles in her short life. She has not met typical milestones (talking, walking, eating). She receives therapy in her home and additionally attends a class at Marian Hope Center to work on areas of weakness with therapists and peers.  Leah is a joy (did you see her picture?). She uses what she knows to communicate her wants and needs, but as her need to communicate increases, so does her frustration. This gift would mean so much to her, our family, her therapists and her communication needs. She has been using an ipad to communicate during her therapy sessions and she is able to communicate her wants/needs with the use of a communication device. We would like to hear her say, “I love you” and “Hi, Mom”! Thank you for considering this request.

Leah is joyful. She likes to play and interact with those around her. She will wave to friends and family, but is shy around large crowds and those who are unfamiliar to her. She likes to play with dolls, read books, and loves bubbles. With the use of an ipad, we could read books together and she could answer questions and communicate with those in her environment.

If you, like Variety, believe every kid should be social, be active, and belong – please donate today –

Thank you for joining our #inclusionrevolution !



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