Meet the Kids – Gaige!

If you believe every kid should be active, be social, and belong – please donate today

Gaige has been diagnosed with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, polymicrogyria with right sided hemiplegia, cystic right kidney, VPI, CHD,
learning, speech and developmental delays. That’s a lot for such a young guy.

But then, Gaige has been through more in his short life than most people go through in a lifetime. He has had five surgeries so far and is scheduled for a complicated leg surgery in December. He has issues with stamina and needs his wheelchair to help with distances. Over the last few months, his ability to walk has greatly decreased and he is using his wheel chair on a daily basis. His previous wheelchair was a manual chair which he did not have the ability to control. Currently we have a loaner chair with right hand controls,
however, he tires easily and still needs to be pushed around. He is getting older and loves to be independent and not have someone push him around. Without the power assist, he will not be able to do this. Gaige brings joy to everyone he interacts with. He deals with his struggles, doctor appointments, surgeries, and hospitalization so well. I could not imagine life without him. I want him to have the best life with as much independence as he can.

A power wheelchair would allow Gaige to have a sense of independence, it would save his strength and allow him to more fully participate with family and friends. Most people don’t even know this is an option for wheelchair users, but it is very helpful to someone in Gaige’s situation.  They are less expensive than a power wheelchair, but still quite costly at $5,000.  Variety KC’s partners know the value of this equipment and helping to make this possible for Gaige!  You can help too, simply donate at  We appreciate you!



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