Two-year-old Kennedy is a force to be reckoned with! With her diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome, Kennedy’s muscle tone is very low and she is just beginning to crawl and get around. She has to put her head on the floor to crawl because she can’t move her limbs and support her head and neck at the same time. There is help for this. It is called a KidWalk and it will give her the support and improved posture she will need to walk. And she wants to walk! She’s got two siblings at home and a buddy next door, she has the desire to join them outside playing, now she just needs the strength and confidence. By supporting Variety, you aren’t just helping to supply little girls like Kennedy with a KidWalk – you are giving the gift of strength, confidence, and inclusion. Find out more at
Halloween for ALL!
As Halloween quickly approaches, Variety KC encourages you to follow these easy tips to create an inclusive and accessible Halloween experience for children...