Meet the Kids – Ripley!

If you believe every kid should be active, be social, and belong – please donate today

Ripley was born with arthrogryposis. This condition occurs in utero and causes the joints to not form completely. In Ripley’s case, her knees, hips, and ankles are malformed and lack any muscle strength. Her shoulders also are effected and her fingers are fused. Ripley is wheelchair bound, nonverbal, and has a developmental delay. She is unable to perform basic daily tasks to care for herself. She is a very joyful little girl.

Ripley has currently outgrown a lot of her equipment that she uses for her daily needs. One of those items is her bath chair. Her current chair is too small and no longer supports her properly. A new bath chair with help us care for her and bathe her more easily. The features this chair offers will help support her back and head for proper care and comfort, as well as being high enough to move her in and out of the shower more easily as she has become too big for her parents to lift without assistance.

If you, like Variety, believe every kid should be social, be active, and belong – please donate today –

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