Variety KC Supports the KCKS Early Childhood Center

If you believe every kid should be active, be social, and belong – please donate today


Variety KC supports dozens of schools and healthcare organizations, and we have such admiration and respect for the work they do.  Recently we received this request:

I’m a teacher at Kansas City, Kansas Early Childhood Center and I’m requesting a tricycle for our playground to help make our playground more inclusive. We have several classroom each year that have children who can’t participate in large gross motor play in the playground because we don’t have the right materials for them.

This gift will give the students the chance to chase their friends on the playground during large motor play. It will give them the confidence to get out and to use the muscles that otherwise they won’t be using. A big focus for our school is social emotional development, so making friends and being able to play together and interact will be so beneficial. All of our children are happy and love coming to school. Because we are housed in a lower income school district, it is hard for the parents to have some of the resources they need or deserve to have.”

What a great teacher! She saw a need and figured out a simple request that would benefit so many classes and students. Variety KC is proud to help the KCKS Early Childhood Center – please help us to help other terrific organizations like them. Donate today at



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