Why Disability Pride Month is Important

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Did you know that July is Disability Pride Month? Talk about a celebration that encompasses all that Variety Children’s Charity believes in! Disability Pride Month celebrates those with disabilities and embraces one’s disabilities as an integral part of who we are! Although Variety KC feels individuals with disabilities should be celebrated all year round, the month of July is a specific time for everyone to accept and celebrate each person’s individual differences, come together to lift one another up, and have pride in our unique qualities and abilities that make us who we are!


The history behind Disability Pride Month

Disability Pride originally started in 1990 as a day to celebrate the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. It has since grown to be celebrated each July across the nation with special events, walks, parades, etc.


How can we celebrate it?

  • Sharing the Disability Pride Flag – The colors of the flag each represent a different disability characteristic or impairment
    The Disability Pride flag is a large horizontal stripe made up of individual red, yellow, white, blue and green stripes on a black background. Created by Ann Magill

    • Red: physical disabilities
    • Yellow: cognitive and intellectual disabilities
    • White: invisible and undiagnosed disabilities
    • Blue: mental illness
    • Green: sensory perception disabilities
  • Have PRIDE in yourself and your disability! As a disabled community, many constantly work to adjust to “fit the mold” the world has created for us due to accessibility restrictions. However, we do not need to change for the world… The world needs to change for US! Variety KC’s #InclusionRevolution works to shift the lens to and help our community realize that every individual deserves the right to Be Active, Be Social, and BELONG. A disability should not cause one to feel a sense of shame – instead, there should be pride, self-respect, and dignity!
  • As far as we know, there is not currently an annual Disability Pride celebration held in Kansas City… Maybe it is up to us to start one! Variety KC feels that every person deserves to be CELEBRATED!
  • Spread the word! Although it has been celebrated for over 30 years, many people are not aware of Disability Pride Month. Variety KC encourages you to post about your Disability Pride and tell others about the pride you take in your disabilities that make you the beautiful person you are! Please always tag @varietychildrenscharity so that we can share your incredible posts!

Happy Disability Pride Month from Variety KC!

Love, Your Variety KC Family



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