80 Stories, 80 Days: Not Every Family is as Lucky as Mine

If you believe every kid should be active, be social, and belong – please donate today

Written by Luke Wade:

Growing up with a sister only 3 years younger who is physically and mentally disabled has made me sensitive. Not sensitive to the point of crying when that Sarah McLaughlin pet advertisement plays, which happens, but sensitive to the point that I realize how good my family had it.

We were able to afford a wheelchair and a van large enough to take my sister and her wheelchair around. We were lucky that my family was strong enough to lift her in and out of the van to take her places. Not every family is as lucky as mind. She is the reason I got involved with Variety and the charity world in Kansas City. After hearing a radio ad for a Bike Drive for a charity that strives to bring mobility to those without, it struck home.

Ever since showing up for that bike drive to volunteer I have seen Variety change countless lives in Kansas City. I never thought I’d see so many smile like my sister when she was truly happy. I want to thank Variety for doing such great things for so many families. What you do does make a difference and those families see it in their child’s faces every day.

Through our 80 Stories, 80 Days campaign, we are asking all of you who have been touched by our organization in any way to share your story and help us gain more support for Kansas City children with developmental disabilities.

Unique Connect will donate directly to us for every story we collect through this campaign, so please submit your story now

Looking for another way to support Variety? Get your tickets for our biggest fundraiser of the year – the 2014 Variety Show starring Sinbad.



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