Meet the Kids: Brayson

If you believe every kid should be active, be social, and belong – please donate today

10307197_1591308334430669_8561600970130707144_nBrayson is an amazing two year old!  He is has many special needs, including blindness. The danger of falling means his family ends up holding Brayson most of the time. Developmentally he would greatly benefit from a gait trainer (to assist in standing and walking) and an adaptive chair to safely hold him.

Like most two year olds, Brayson wants to go-go-go….and the gait trainer will allow him to do just that!  As his mother says, Brayson is ambitious, driven and amazing to be around.  Variety KC is just as driven to help him get moving.  Your support will get Brayson on his feet.  Thank you!



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